Your Jeans Are Over 100 Years Old

“For over 130 years
Our celebrated and original XX denim overalls
Have been before the public.
This is a pair of LEVIS
They are the original jeans
And have a reputation for durability known the world over.
Only selected materials have been used in their manufacture.
Every garment guaranteed
Exclusive XX special top weight denim
And sewed with the strongest thread.
We shall thank you to carefully examine the sewing finish and fit.
Caution: See that this pair bears the quality number which is XX and also our Trade Mark.
Levi Strauss”
What do you wear on your legs, most of the time? For an awful lot of people it’ll probably be a pair of denim jeans in one shade of blue or another, and they probably don’t take a second to think about them when they pull them on in the morning. If the pair of jeans that you fall into is a pair of Levi’s 501s (which they could well be) then as well as getting dressed, you’re also getting into a story; 100 years ago, in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in North Carolina, Levi Strauss & Co shook hands with two gentlemen named Caesar and Moses and the agreement still holds today. Caesar and Moses ran White Oak Mill, producing denim under the name Cone Mills and they had gained themselves a reputation for producing the best denim around. The agreement with Levi Strauss and Co gave Cone Mills the right to manufacture the denim used by Levi’s to produce their Lot 501 jeans (a red selvage) which went on to become their core product. It’s odd to think that, as fashion continually evolves, one constant item in many men’s wardrobes is actually a piece of clothing that celebrates its 100th birthday this year.